Syntaxerror Unexpected Character After Line Continuation Character Python Shell


SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character

ItsMyCode |

In Python, SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character occurs when you misplace the escape character \ inside a string or characters that split into multiline.

The backslash character "\" is used to indicate the line continuation in Python. If any characters are found after the escape character, the Python interpreter will throw SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character.

SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character.

Sometimes, there are very long strings or lines, and having that in a single line makes code unreadable to developers. Hence, the line continuation character "\" is used in Python to break up the code into multiline, thus enhancing the readability of the code.

Example of using line continuity character in Python

                          message              =              "This is really a long sentence "              \              "and it needs to be split acorss mutliple lines "              \              "to enhance readibility of the code"              print              (              message              )              # Output                            This              is              really              a              long              sentence              and              it              needs              to              be              split              acorss              mutliple              lines              to              enhance              readibility              of              the              code                      

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As you can see from the above example, it becomes easier to read the sentence when we split it into three lines.

Fixing unexpected character after line continuation character

Let's take a look at the scenarios where this error occurs in Python.

  1. Using backslash as division operator in Python
  2. Adding any character right after the escape character
  3. Adding new line character in a string without enclosing inside the parenthesis

Also read IndentationError: unexpected indent

Using backslash as division operator in Python

Generally, new developers tend to make a lot of mistakes, and once such is using a backslash \ as a division operator, which throws Syntax Error.

                          # Simple division using incorrect division operator                            a              =              10              b              =              5              c              =              a\b              print              (              c              )              # Output                            File              "c:\Projects\Tryouts\"              ,              line              11              c              =              a\b              ^              SyntaxError              :              unexpected              character              after              line              continuation              character                      

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The fix is pretty straightforward. Instead of using the backslash * \ * replace it with forward slash operator * / * as shown in the below code.

                          # Simple division using correct division operator                            a              =              10              b              =              5              c              =              a              /              b              print              (              c              )              # Output                            2                      

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Adding any character right after the escape character

In the case of line continuity, we escape with * \ * and if you add any character after the escaper character Python will throw a Syntax error.

                          message              =              "This is line one                            \n              "              \+              "This is line two"              \              "This is line three"              print              (              message              )              # Output                            File              "c:\Projects\Tryouts\"              ,              line              1              message              =              "This is line one                            \n              "              \+              ^              SyntaxError              :              unexpected              character              after              line              continuation              character                      

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To fix this, ensure you do not add any character right after the escape character.

                          message              =              "This is line one                            \n              "              \              "This is line two                            \n              "              \              "This is line three"              print              (              message              )              # Output                            This              is              line              one              This              is              line              two              This              is              line              three                      

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Adding any character right after the escape character

If you are using a new line character while printing or writing a text into a file, make sure that it is enclosed with the quotation "\n". If you append \n , Python will treat it as an escape character and throws a syntax error.

                          fruits              =              [              "Apple"              ,              "orange"              ,              "Pineapple"              ]              for              i              in              fruits              :              print              (              i              +\n              )              # Output                            File              "c:\Projects\Tryouts\"              ,              line              3              print              (              i              +\n              )              ^              SyntaxError              :              unexpected              character              after              line              continuation              character                      

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To fix the issue, we have replaced \n with "\n" enclosed in the quotation marks properly.

            fruits = ["Apple","orange","Pineapple"] for i in fruits:     print(i+"\n")                      

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