Funny Father of the Bride Wedding Speech

Do you want to give a funny father of the bride speech that will impress your daughter and family as well as the guests but don't know how to come up with something humorous ?


Just follow these easy steps and your speech will bring the house down even if you have never made someone laugh all your life or you hate being in the public eye.

Ever Heard This Joke?

There was this Texan rancher who was doing agricultural consulting for a farmer in Germany.


photo credit: www.

He asked the German farmer about the size of his property, to which he replied, ''About a mile square. ''

When the German asked the Texan about the size of his ranch, the rancher explained that if he got in his pickup truck at dawn and drove until sunset he would still be on his ranch.

Not to be outdone, the farmer replied, ''I used to have an old truck like that.''

Why Use Humor In Your Speech For Daughter?

This hilarious joke captures the essence of using humor in wedding speeches to entertain the audience as well as say something memorable about your daughter.

Although funny father of the bride speeches toasts are always a big hit with the wedding guests, most fathers find it so hard to give a hilarious speech that will delight and amaze the audience.

Granted, this piece has been written to arm you with the right ideas and examples you need to write a funny father of the bride speech toast that will make your daughter, son-in-law, and others feel so proud of you.

Before we do, let us get a few things right.

First You Have To Change This Poisonous View You Already Hold

Most fathers are unable to come up with great speeches on the wedding day because of fear and past failures.

You see, anytime you are asked to speak before a crowd, your mind will bring back memories of events where you failed to deliver a good performance, and you might think you are going to fail once again.

If you feed on this fear, you will lose heart and you might end up not doing your very best.  It doesn't matter if you are a great speaker or not, you have to believe you can handle whatever happens to you because self-confidence plays a vital role in every facet of our lives, including how you deliver your speech.

Here's the thing my friend.  Most fathers underestimate their own abilities, but you don't have to. The truth is that you are endowed with the free gift of speech and this natural endowment makes it possible to excel in situations that demand the use of that ability. But, we often let doubt and low self-esteem dominate our lives and thinking.

That being said, let's get on to the business of writing a memorable speech for your daughter on her wedding day. But first, a simple word about making funny father wedding speech toasts.

Some folks erroneously believe that you need to have the funny gene to come up with something funny. Contrary to what most people think, you don't necessarily have to be a naturally funny person to write the best father of the bride toast even though it helps to a certain extent.

Remember, you are only there to tell a story about your relationship with the bride. So, all you need are good memories of the best moments you and your precious daughter has spent together.

If there's something funny along those lines, that would make your toast fantastic. Don't force it if you don't have a funny anecdote to back it up.

Having said that, if you still want to make it hilarious despite the odds, then you have to figure out how such toasts are made. Father of the bride speech youtube videos can help give you a clue on how to go about things.

Thankfully, I found two humorous for you and I really want you to watch them for inspiration and guidance. All you have to do is to grab your journal and pen and write down ideas you think you can use for your own speech for your daughter and son-in-law.

Funny father of the bride speech example # 1

Hilarious father of the bride speech example # 2

I really enjoyed both videos and I am sure you did too. What was your favorite clip? Mine was the second video!

Well, if you look at those videos you will notice that one or more of the following comic techniques were employed.


First is a situational comedy: a kind of comedy arising out of ordinary or everyday situations.

Now, here is how to apply this style of humor to your wedding speech.  Cast your mind back to the events surrounding your daughter's birth, how she was like when she was growing up, her preteen years, her time in school, or a prank she played on her siblings, on you or her mom.

Those stories may strike a hilarious note if you do a little brainstorming and jot down stories about her life.

The second is, stand up humor or comedy. Stand up humor is a comic delivery in which someone entertains an audience with jokes and funny stories.

Again, here is how to apply this style to your own writing. If you know a really good joke, you can work into your speech. But make sure it is related to the theme of your speech.  Most speeches you heard at weddings often make use of this method.

Another style is satirical comedy: a kind of comedy that mocks human weakness. Such a style is mostly used by most fathers but their usage often backfires because the speakers end up saying things that don't have to be said.

For example, you shouldn't say that your daughter was in an abusive marriage or say anything negative about her character or even speak ill about the groom. That will embarrass her and the entire family.

Last is self-deprecating humor. Using this requires that you say something awful about yourself to catch the attention of your audience. Such an approach needs to be done with caution since it can take the attention of the wedding guests from your daughter to you. Remember, it is her big day(not your day) and you have to put the spotlight on her.

With all that being said, let us see a short and sweet example. Afterward, we will see how it was written so you can model your speech after the ideas I will be bringing up.

This is a speech by a UK guy. But we can still learn a thing or two from it. So please study it carefully. I found this at and I am glad to share it with you because it perfectly captures the essence of what the writing process is all about.

Here you go:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.

On behalf of both families, I would like to warmly welcome each and every one of you here today on this wonderful occasion, be your relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues or godparents.

You have all played some part in positively enriching the lives of Danielle, Nick, Harry & Martha and you are sincerely valued because of that. Your presence here today is therefore important to us.

You have given your precious time, travelled long distances, and made special arrangements to be here to celebrate the wedding of Danielle & Nick, and for that, we are all extremely grateful. There's a Swedish proverb that claims a joy shared is a joy doubled, so thank you all very much for making Danielle's and Nick's day extra special!

We do hope you enjoy the magnificent setting and participate in the day as much as us, and that you too will have treasured life long memories of this special day.

I would like to take this opportunity to compliment you all on how good you all look today, and thank all of those involved in the planning and delivery of this glorious celebration. To all of those on the top table who have travelled hundreds of miles and undertaken weeks and weeks of research; to Jean and Keith who have done a tremendous job with the floral displays, and to the staff and suppliers of Peckforton Castle. You have all done a wonderful job, and you should be very proud of your efforts.

It's on days like this that you hope everything goes without a hitch, but I'm pleased to report after such a long, long courtship there has finally been a hitch today.

Well done. I think you are all worthy of a round of applause.

A wedding is of course a time for joy, fun, and celebration, with friends and family gathered to see the happy couple off as they start their new life. But it is a time, too, when our thoughts inevitably turn to those people who have meant so much to us and shaped our families, but sadly could not be here today.

In particular, Helena's Mum, doting Nana Audrey would have dearly wished to witness the wedding of her first granddaughter Danielle, and seeing Helen, Melissa, Joe, and Gabby and her great-grandchildren Harry & Martha looking so happy, smart and glamorous.

I know Audrey and many others will be looking down from Heaven and celebrating today just as we are. So let us raise a glass and toast those who we miss greatly but remember with love and pride. Here's to absent friends.

As the proud father of the beautiful bride, it is my duty, honour and privilege to give the first speech. I must admit, I am a little apprehensive today but it's not just because I'm making this important speech. Bear in mind that I've had to save and shelve two thirds of my best material as I have two other daughters to give speeches for when they eventually get married. And being a Wigan Athletic fan I'm not used to being in large gatherings, so please bear with me for the next 45 to 50 minutes.

I've been married for 30 years and during that time spent with a household of females, it's very unusual for me to get to speak for longer than 30 seconds without being interrupted, and if I do get to speak for longer than 30 seconds it is even more unusual to be listened to! So it's going to be a whole new experience for me!

For this speech, Danielle insisted on severe restrictions on time limit, and excluding content such as ex-boyfriends, driving behaviour, secondary school parents evenings, police visits, etc which was sad, as it removed at least 45 minutes worth of humorous, embarrassing and quite frankly, shocking material. Of course I reluctantly agreed, I really don't want to embarrass my first daughter during this speech, or do I?  No maybe not, I'll save that for the dance floor later.

Danielle Jane Miller was born on the 9th May 1988, just 11,282 days ago. And much as the same as when I first saw the MOB ( Mother of the Bride or Most Outstanding Beauty), it was Love at first sight. Now I'm not going to go through each and every one of these precious days.

But let's just set the scene – It was a Monday, under the star sign of Taurus. It was the era of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. We were an integral part of the EU – but there will be more Brexit talk at the bar later on!

Pupils sat their GCSEs which were just replacing O Levels (or CSE's if you went to Cansfield High!). Liverpool were Champions after a draw against League Cup Winners Luton Town. A few days later Wimbledon won the FA Cup, the Poll Tax was launched, and the £1 paper note had just gone out of circulation (I was reminded of that Keith, when I saw a few left in your wallet earlier!). How time flies!

And drawing parallels to today, BBC1 airs Episode 523 of Neighbours, featuring the wedding of Scott and Charlene (played by Jason Donovan and Kylie Minogue), which is watched by 20 million viewers, some of whom are here today – hands up?

Topically, and appropriately, in that special week of May the best Selling Single, according to Top of the Pops was Perfect by Fairground Attraction. Say no more!

It's is hard though on a day like today not think back to the magical day Danielle was born. The miracle of birth. I can still picture it now as if it were yesterday. Helen in the delivery room in Warrington Hospital absolutely exhausted after many hours of labour, two midwives encouraging and cajoling her to give one last push and sat in the corner was a sheepish-looking delivery driver from UPS with Danielle's very first New Look parcel. Got that commercial plug in there for you Nick!

So we now have a beautiful and healthy daughter. Danielle was a sweet little girl, and never any trouble. I will always treasure the special Father/daughter moments we shared together, playing, reading, horse riding, swimming trips to the park and local library, making paper chains and lanterns, painting our nails, playing Barbie and Ken, overnight camping out at Toys R Us, primary school parents evenings, and adding almost daily £10 top ups to your Nokia 3310 PAYG phone when you were a teenager. Special times.

As she grew from a sweet child into a typical teenager, she scraped through school and college, she amazed me when she said she was going to Liverpool University to study Contract Law to become a Buyer for a Nuclear Engineering Company. I guess I should have been proud, but was actually shocked, astounded. I had of course assumed she wouldn't need an academic qualification to do this, after all her Mum Helen has no formal training in this area, but her Mum buys lots of things of great expense all the time!

On reflection, I guess I should have encouraged Danielle to study geography when after watching the news during the Mad Cow disease outbreak, and seeing that some animals were poorly in quarantine, she then asked me what country quarantine was in!

Helen admirably stayed at home to bring up the children, and to keep them safe and happy. And she did a world-class job. Thank you. I may, however, just may, have spoiled Danielle a little, or given her too high expectations. Because within days of moving in with Nick, Danielle was distraught, and called home in tears, saying that she was unhappy and that Nick was being unreasonable and using 4 letter words.

Naturally, as her parents, we were horrified, and went to her to see what was going on – turns out Nick was asking her to cook, wash, wipe, tidy!

But now our girl has matured into a kind and wonderful woman, and a great Mum. I have looked forward to this day for many many many years Nick. Today was the first of me seeing Danielle in her wedding dress and she looks beautiful.

Danielle makes a stunning bride, and yes as her Father you would expect me to say this but it does not make it any the less true! She may be dressed to kill today, however, but unfortunately for Nick, that's also how she cooks!

I'm so happy Danielle and Nick have married in a scenic Castle – it brings to life her dreams and wishes as a little girl, dressing up watching the Disney classics such as Cinderella, Shrek and Beauty and the Beast.

Which kind of brings me on to Nick.

Intelligent, kind, suave, handsome, humorous, athletic, a born leader – but that's enough about your new Father-in-Law, let's focus on you, Nick.

Danielle's early boyfriends were, let's diplomatically say, not great! The phrase 'Scraping the Barrel' springs to mind. My first impressions of Nick were no better: he arrived at our house wearing a Man United top in a clapped-out Fiat Punto which dripped oil onto my drive, and the car itself was like a mobile recycling centre, full of litter, plastic bottles, and McDonald's packaging. Shocking!

However, in hindsight, I have to hand it to Nick, it was a great strategy, as there was only one direction things could go from that point on – upward! So after this introduction, like any wary respectable father, I did conduct thorough Police and Financial background checks on him.

I learnt from Leigh CID as a young boy he would often bang on neighbours doors and disappear without trace before they had a chance to answer – no surprise he ended up working with a parcel delivery company then.

From his Purchasing history, I noted he bought a succession of goldfish, which he named Eric Cantona, apparently after a French Kung Fu expert. When choosing the gold fish, the pet shop owner asked Nick if he wanted an aquarium – Nick said he didn't mind what star sign the fish was!

But I did warm to Nick when my credit file search revealed he was employed on a good salary and commission-based bonus at the Carphone Warehouse; now I immediately saw him as an ally, someone who could help subsidise me in keeping Danielle in the extravagant lifestyle she was now accustomed to.

He could now handle all the requests for mobile phone top ups and daily clothing orders from the likes of New Look, Top Shop, Dorothy Perkins, etc. That's when I realised he was the one!

So their relationship blossomed, and they made home together, and went onto have two wonderful children. Anyway, when Nick eventually decided to make an honest woman of Danielle, he asked me in the traditional manner if he could have my daughters hand in marriage. It was a really classy thing to do Nick, and I didn't expect that of you. But it did take 10 years though, 10 years! Talk about Fergy time.

On balance, however, I do have praise for Nick here, about a page and a half, about what a super, cool guy he is, and what great deeds he has done but sorry Nick, I can't read your writing! Now if you'd have married Danielle ten years ago before I needed bi-focals, or printed it at 24 font, I may have managed.

However, seriously, I know Nick is a good solid man, who has already impressed us with his thoughtfulness and unshakable love for our daughter and grandchildren. And what more could a parent want for their child?

So Nick, Welcome to the family. You are joining a large, loving, and loyal family. I'm not losing a daughter, because I can't ever give her away, you know that, but instead, I'm gaining a strapping son-in-law who will clean my car and cut my grass when I get older.

I'm a very lucky man, I know. I have been married to my soulmate Helen for 30 years now, and for that, I'm very grateful. As we were preparing for today's wedding, I did see her reading intently our marriage certificate. I thought, how romantic, how loyal, how touching, so I put my arms around her and asked what she felt about it. "Is there an expiry date on this certificate?", she asked. But in all seriousness I hope that Danielle and Nick have an equally long and rewarding marriage.

Also Bridesmaid, second daughter and Mum-to-be Melissa & current boyfriend Tom who are just about to move into their love nest in Lowton.

Likewise, congratulations are also in order for Bridesmaid and youngest Daughter Gabrielle and her boyfriend Mark who have now been together 5 years.

Nothing to report on Joe, I'm afraid !

Good luck to you all. You know you are precious to us, and we will always be around to love and support you.

Apparently, Its traditional for the FOB to give constructive marital advice. So based on my experience here goes...

To you both it is worth bearing in mind, neither of you will ever be perfect, but you can be a perfect match for each other. A successful marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, but finding a person that you can't live without and I know that you've found that with each other. Be good communicators, good listeners, and be kind and tolerant.

A minute spent feeling sad or angry is a minutes of happiness lost forever. I wouldn't change a thing about our lives, but it would be nice to have the chance to do these 30 years over and over again.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to ask you to please stand and raise a glass and join me in a toast to our two VIP's, my beautiful daughter Danielle and my son in law Nick.

May your lives be entwined like the strong leaves of ivy on a high castle tower. May your joy never end like the circles of your wedding rings. To the Bride and Groom. God Bless You!


Now, let us see how you can use this hilarious speech template to make the best speech of the night.

If you read through the piece carefully, you will notice that there are three main parts of this toast: introduction, body, and conclusion.

First, let's look at what goes into writing a memorable introduction. Before we begin, let's look at snippets of it to guide us along the way.

'' Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.

On behalf of both families, I would like to warmly welcome each and every one of you here today on this wonderful occasion, be your relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues or godparents. You have all played some part in positively enriching the lives of Danielle, … Helena's Mum, doting Nana Audrey would have dearly wished to witness the wedding of her first granddaughter Danielle….''

The opening remarks serve dual purposes: to thank the wedding guests for coming and to get the attention of the audience right from the start of your presentation.

As you can see from the excerpt above, the writer began by greeting everyone and thanking them for coming.

Action Tip: Write down the names of people you really want to thank for their help and support for your daughter over the years. It could be her mom or your wife, her siblings, grandparents, teachers, neighbors, etc.

Well, this father of the bride didn't tell us who he was. Although you are going to introduced by the wedding emcee, it still makes a lot of sense to tell the relationship you have with her.

For example, if you are her real father or her stepfather, you may let the guests know about that, provided you are comfortable with saying that about it.

After you have said that, you should dive right into what you have to say because if you do it so well everyone will listen to the entire speech. There are several ways of starting with a bang and  I am happy to share with you a few time-tested tips that can bring the house down.

Here they are:

  • If your daughter is getting married to a guy from a foreign country, you can learn how to greet the audience or even express words of gratitude in English and in your son-in-law's dialect and you will get some good laughs out of that.
  • You may start by saying: ''I promise that this is going to be the shortest and funniest father of the bride speech you have ever or read'' and then you roll down a very long sheet of paper and jokingly add this : ''Seriously, did you believe me when I said that?  Remember, her mom and I have raised her for 28 years now and you shouldn't expect anything less than that. You are even luckier to have gotten these few pages considering how long she's been under our roof…I just didn't have the budget for a short movie…I was actually considering making a movie about her life! ''
  • Funny father of the bride speech toast one-liners or jokes can help you put one foot in the door :

Here's a funny quote by Elizabeth Stone: ''Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

Now, let me show you how to use that funny quote to make a short funny father speech about your daughter.

A wise woman once said that making a decision to have a daughter is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Well, I didn't know that until Danielle was born.

If you are planning to use idea #3, then you have to make sure the anecdote you will share has a connection with the strength of a woman's heart or an event that demonstrated how tough she is.

  • You may start with a good joke. Inside jokes may help to an extent but bear in mind that not everyone will get it. You may make fun of the bride, the groom, the best man, and others. But make sure you don't embarrass them in the end.
  • A lot of fathers have very horrible singing voices like toads croaking in water in the dead of the night. And so, they don't usually sing their intros. But if you can, your introduction will go down as the best speech ever!
  • You can also come to upstage in funny clothes or with props and ribs will crack.
  • You may share a funny story about how you felt when she was born as seen in the example above…I am sure that will be so easy to do.

It's now over to you….which of those tips or ideas do you think will work best for you?

Hilarious father of the bride speech ever

Now, let's see how we can create the outline or structure for the body of your spiel.

Once again, here's a brief example to give us a perfect idea of what to write.

''As she grew from a sweet child into a typical teenager, she scraped through school and college, she amazed me when she said she was going to Liverpool University to study Contract Law to become a Buyer for a Nuclear Engineering Company. I guess I should have been proud, but was actually shocked, astounded. I had of course…Naturally as her parents we were horrified, and went to her to see what was going on – turns out Nick was asking her to cook, wash, wipe, tidy…!  ''

If you look at this piece carefully, it segues right into her teenage years from her childhood years. This aspect of your daughter's story is not too difficult to write because it's usually an account of how life has been like for both of you as she grew up into a young lady.

So, this is what I want you to do now. Grab your journal or diary and your pen and put down answers right next to the following questions.

  • What was her life like when she was growing up?
  • What was her attitude like when she was a teenager?
  • Do you have any accomplishments you want to share?
  • Do you recall any trips or vacations or anything you were involved in that you wish to add to your speech?
  • Do you have any fun and fond memories you want to add to your toast?

Since a funny father of the bride speech toast is what you are aiming at, you have to do a little more brainstorming and come up with hilarious anecdotes (one or two stories) to each of the above queries. Then, use them to construct a rough draft, which you can later go back to spruce it up.

Having said that, let's look closely at how you can write a memorable ending to your funny speech for your daughter and son-in-law.

In our example, we saw how the writer gave a piece of well-worn parting advice to the couple.

''Apparently Its traditional for the FOB to give constructive marital advice. So based on my experience here goes. A successful marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, but finding a person that you can't live without and I know that you've found that with each other. Be good communicators, good listeners, and be kind and tolerant. ''

That's a fail-proof of wrapping up. But there are several other ways as well.

For example, if you know of a funny marriage quote like the ones below, you can use them.

''When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife''-Prince Phillip

''What's the best way to get your husband to remember your anniversary? Get married on his birthday.''- Cindy Garner

''Marriage is like vitamins: we supplement each other's minimum daily requirements''- Kathy Mohnke

''The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it''- Ann Bancroft

''Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can't sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can't sleep with the window open''- George Bernard Shaw

Your speech shouldn't be funny from the start to the end, so you may close with a bible verse if you a deeply religious person or a Christian. You may use either of these:

''There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.'' - 1 John 4:18

''Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.'' - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Additionally, you can compare how they both look like something that's well known to inspire laughter.

For example, you can say that the couple is a lot like Tom and Jerry.

That can become:

I really love the fact that Amanda and Dan is like Tom and Jerry. Their differences are very obvious but I admire how they seem to be on the same page when they are bent on accomplishing a plan and I am sure that will take them very far on the marriage journey.

Finally, you have to rehearse your humorous father of the bride speech since it will help calm your nerves and embolden you as well.


As the father of the bride, everyone will be counting on you to you come up with an incredibly great speech that will make your daughter and family proud of you.

And you can't afford to let her down. That's why I have great news for you today. By getting onboard our speech program, you can give the best speech of the day with poise and confidence without lifting your finger.

Here's what one nervous and skeptical dad called Glen(joined the program) sent over after the wedding was over

''Hey Dan, I just wanted to thank you once again for the speech you wrote with me. My goal was met afterward, I was told by many "what a beautiful speech" and received a standing ovation. I couldn't have done this without you. God Bless Dan!-'' Glen, U.S.A

Want to know how he did just that? He got on board our wedding speech program and one of our talented speech consultants helped him out.

Want to get on board? You should!

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, if you are expecting nothing less than a very special, beautiful, unique and a memorable speech.
  • Yes, if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work and don't have the time to put together a very meaningful speech, so you can have your peace of mind
  • Yes, if you want your family, children, friends and wedding guests to shower you with very sincere compliments…just imagine how you will feel
  • Yes, if you are not good with words and you feel you're not a natural writer and you are struggling to find the right words but still want to give a great speech.
  • Yes, you get so scared anytime you're asked to say something before an audience and you really want to save yourself from any form of embarrassment on your daughter's big day.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you absolutely hate speaking in public or feel this is not your thing but you want to make your daughter feel very proud
  • Yes, if you have a day or less to the wedding and you are worried that you might make some horrible mistakes
  • Yes, if you are a good speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you've come up with!

Wedding not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours?Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn't matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you

Just imagine leaving your entire presentation in the hands of skilled wedding speech consultants who will take away your pain of spending hours thinking hard and long about what to say and what not to say.

Also, envision being patiently guided to say something that will leave a favorable impression on the mind of your listeners.

And also imagine the thrill and feeling of excitement and pride you're going to experience when the audience leaps onto their feet and scream and shouts and even sing your praises.

Won't you love that? I hope you do...

Ok, I am Interested, What's the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you've got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting married and asking their fathers to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every father could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter's big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and son-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter's big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

Ok, here's how it works

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to clickon this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnairevia email. Check your email a few hours after you've submitted your request for your questionnaire.


1) CLICK HERE  NOW TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind!

  1. After that, we will send you a very short questionnaire to fill out via email! You only have to check your email a few hours after you have made your request.
  1. Then, you fill out the questionnaire sent through your email and please have it sent back to us…
  1. We will confirm receipt of it…If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify….
  2. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft in a couple of hours if this on very short notice….If not, after a few days
  1. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it--although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  2. Then, we ask you to shell out your cash for it. It's as simple as that!

Just a reminder of what you pay after it's duly completed.

You simply pay what you want after you've got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting married and asking their fathers to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every father could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter's big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and son-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter's big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.

Please note: Your speech draft comes with a proven and simple tip to master your speech or remember your speech just as you want it without carrying a paper with you.

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise and clarity!

''Hi Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I'll definitely contact you.

All the best,


Please note: Don't fill out this form if you're a dishonest individual. This offer is for a limited time.

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE ---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

You don't have to worry about paying our per speech for now.

Forget about money and let's write something for you.We believe in the values of honesty and integrity and we think you should be happy with our work first.

So, Here Are The Benefits You Get When You Get On Board!

  • A great speech written by our wedding speech consultants that reflects what you want to say exactly
  • We coach you on how to use your voice to make your speech very exciting.
  • We show you a simple but often overlook strategy to rehearse your speech even if you have a very poor memory. This method is used by great speakers like Obama and was used by Abraham Lincoln and his compatriots
  • The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head without memorizing your speech. Guaranteed to help you even if you have a very poor memory or your memory is like a gold fish…most of our clients still wonder where we got this idea from. This ensures that you don't read off a sheet of paper...

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise and clarity!

''Hi Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I'll definitely contact you.

All the best,


  • Ways to include humor in your speech and what it takes to do so

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE- --you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

Remember, you have to see your speech first before you pay. So, you can relax and let us sweat it out at our expense!

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it'' - Phil Australia


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